Our Un-conventional Journey

Welcome to the Krvvy story – an unconventional tale that's all about breaking the mold, infusing fresh energy into the lingerie scene, and celebrating the idea that beauty knows no bounds.

Brand Pillars

  • Comfort

    Comfort sounds great when you feel that you don't feel it.

    Our mantra is simple: One problem less is one breath more. We're all about innovation and function because your curves deserve the best!

  • Inclusivity

    For us, Inclusivity is all about celebrating the rainbow of body types, making sure everyone feels welcome. As we cover the entire size spectrum, it's our way of saying, "Beauty and confidence for all."

  • Sensitivity

    We believe in empathy in design, not just in our products but in every aspect of your life. Creating a safe space for you to speak and express freely. Communication is always the key and we are great listeners.

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These brand pillars are the heart and soul of Krvvy, our guiding principles that infuse elegance, innovation, and a whole lot of confidence into your world. Embrace the Krvvy lifestyle and redefine what feeling amazing every day means.

  • We often hear, ’How can two guys create lingerie for women’ but we tell them,

    ’Why not?’

    As two men, we are learning everyday on how to make a woman’s life easy. Our philosophy is to evolve as per consumer demands and simplify for what's needed. Our efforts are in the direction of solving for the ‘unsaid’ problems.

    We are a young and ambitious team, working to bring lifestyle products for this generation and generations to come.

    - Yash Goyal & Anant Bhardwaj